Blake Coffman

Coach & Co-Owner
Blake Coffman


  • CF-L1
  • CF-L2


Growing up in Tennessee I developed an interest in fitness at eleven years old. Always being the tallest kid in school, naturally I gravitated towards sports. Even though Basketball was my primary direction, I always found myself enjoying fitness much more. A family friend introduced me to CrossFit and as a gift asked if I would give it a try for one month. I agreed and the rest is history. I have been actively coaching, competing, and helping others develop healthier lives for nearly eight years. I truly believe every single person is capable of positive change but “nothing changes if nothing changes.” Whether you join our incredible community or just need someone to talk to, I welcome your story with zero judgement and absolute support. Favorite CrossFit Movement Double-unders, gymnastics, Olympic barbell movements Least Favorite CrossFit Movement Pistols and deadlift

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